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Inappropriate Behavior at Work

Hinschauen. Ansprechen. Handeln!

For All Employees

Difficult situations in employment relationships can arise – among team members, leaders and managers alike. All UZH employees can contact the following advisory centers if they are affected by or witness to inappropriate behavior. The services are free of charge.

The important thing is to address the situation as early as possible.


We, the HR experts at UZH, can support you on several levels: HR representatives in the faculties and central services units are your first points of contact in the event of friction at the workplace.

For issues outside of your organizational unit and any potentially larger problems in working relationships, contact HR Business Partners at the Human Resources department. We will address your problem in a one-to-one consultation, propose ways of finding a solution, and initiate measures if necessary.
HR representative in your organizational unit: UZH Directory (person with green symbol)
HR Business Partners, Human Resources Department: HR Business Partners

Conflict! What to do?

Tensions and conflict are an inevitable part of working life. Handling them professionally is key. This website provides an overview of the various phases of conflict resolution.
Conflict! What to do?

Employee Assistance Office (MBS)

We provide assistance to all employees (academic staff of all qualification levels, administrative and technical staff) in the event of psychological and/or legal problems or stressful work-related situations and develop problem-solving approaches in dialogue with the affected parties.
Employee Assistance Office (MBS)

Responding to Threats

In threat management, we create documentation and training sessions for cases involving threats, physical attacks, stalking, suicidal thoughts, conspicuous behavior or violent fantasies.
Responding to Threats


For Leaders, Managers and Teaching Staff

Leaders and managers, including professors and teaching staff with leadership responsibilities, are required to mediate in the event of conflict in their teams, or to take appropriate action when receiving reports of inappropriate behavior in working relationships. The advisory centers will provide assistance in dealing with such situations.

The important thing is to address the situation as early as possible.

The HR Development team at the Human Resources Department provides skills-training and support to UZH employees, leaders and managers (including professors) in development and leadership matters and helps promote organizational and cultural development at UZH.
Personnel and leadership development, Human Resources Department: HR Development

Professorships Department

We are the point of contact for professors at the University of Zurich with any concerns.
Professorships Department