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New articles and tips on the topics of respect, tolerance, diversity and inclusion will be published here periodically.
The Senate of the University of Zurich wants to play a more active role in matters of university-wide importance. It recently approved measures to achieve this goal.Der Senat der UZH will sich aktiver einbringen in Fragen von gesamtuniversitärer Bedeutung. Eine kürzlich beschlossene Reform kommt diesem Anliegen nach.
A workshop under the UZH Accessible project explored how to better embed accessibility in UZH culture.
Decarb UZH is a strategic project that gives new momentum to achieving climate neutrality at UZH. The university is reviewing its current implementation strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible by 2030.
At UZH, researchers from a wide range of fields are exploring the development of children and young people as well as the external factors that shape them. The latest UZH Magazin shines a light on what it takes for our kids to grow up happy.
The sustainability team at UZH has been rebranded as the Sustainability Hub. Over the past decade, it has helped make the university more sustainable. In early September, hydrologist Jan Seibert was appointed as the new delegate for sustainability.
How do blind users find their way around a website? How can they fill in information without using a mouse? People with disabilities face these and other challenges on a daily basis. The UZH Accessible project is currently assessing the accessibility of UZH’s web applications.
Find out how 2024 Teaching Award winner Marc Thommen fosters interaction in his courses and why curiosity and enthusiasm are the best guiding lights to get students through their studies.
AI avatars, co-creation, job crafting, emotionally intelligent companies – the new UZH Magazin explores how digital technologies are changing our work and what this means for us.
The Office for Gender Equality and Diversity’s mandate has been expanded to include people with disabilities. As a result, the office has been renamed as the Office for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI).
The University of Zurich can reflect on 35 years of work to promote gender equality: four women who champion this issue at UZH recount how they first got involved and what their experiences have been.
UZH looks back on 35 years of gender equality efforts, from the early days of women’s advancement to the current work of the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity.
The UZH Accessible project aims to significantly improve accessibility at UZH – in structural, digital and cultural-organizational terms. Physical obstacles in publicly accessible UZH buildings have already been recorded, while work is currently under way to remove digital barriers online and in documents.
In a panel discussion at UZH on the topic of studying and working with disabilities, the kinds of everyday difficulties disabled students face were brought out in the open. The Executive Board of the University – represented by Vice President Gabriele Siegert – promised that specific measures would be implemented quickly.
Daniel Hug took over as Vice President Finances at UZH in February 2023. UZH News interviewed him to find out about his first impressions and his plans for UZH.
Oliver Schmid, Chief Information Security Officer at UZH, explains how each and every one of us can contribute to a culture of digital security.
A new semester has started, which means that many students and PhD candidates from abroad are currently arriving in Switzerland. The German courses at the Language Center offer them a gateway to Swiss culture.
The student association PolyUniQue, which represents the interests of the LGBTQIA+ community at UZH and ETH, has organized an array of activities to celebrate Pride Month. We asked board member Lilith Achermann what Pride Month means to her.
Sexual Harassment Awareness Day takes place on 23 March. In this interview, legal scholars Brigitte Tag and Sina Staudinger explain what UZH is doing to protect its staff and students against sexual harassment.
UZH has launched a new campaign to combat discrimination and foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation. Deputy President Gabriele Siegert introduces the campaign and gives tips on resolving conflict.
For the past 50 years, UZH and ETH’s Psychological Counseling Services have been supporting students experiencing mental health problems. In this interview, Cornelia Beck, Head of Psychological Counseling Services, explains whether students’ concerns have changed in that time, why more ETH than UZH students seek her help during their Master’s degrees, and what the universities would do well to rethink.