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The Behavior We Do Not Tolerate

Hinschauen. Ansprechen.

UZH members treat each other with consideration, respect and openness. We resolve disputes respectfully, objectively and purposefully among ourselves or, if necessary, call upon a leader or manager and/or an advisory service. We don’t tolerate behavior that contradicts these principles:

We don’t tolerate discrimination.

Discrimination, vilification and defamation of persons based on age, sex, gender identity, origin, disability or chronic illness, religion, sexual orientation, social and professional status or language have no place at UZH. 

We don’t tolerate racism.

Insulting and derogatory verbal and non-verbal actions against people based on their skin color, origin, group affiliations or personal characteristics are not tolerated. 

We don’t tolerate sexual harassment and sexism

No behavior is permitted that harms or demeans a person on the basis of their sex, gender identity or sexual orientation, or that is unwanted. Examples include inappropriate physical contact, intrusive behavior, suggestive remarks and jokes about their appearance or physical characteristics, as well as denigration of the person or subject in word or image. Also not tolerated is behavior that expresses a harassing or discriminatory attitude. Sexual acts that are punishable by law will be reported to the police. 

We don’t tolerate bullying

Systematic verbal and non-verbal actions repeatedly directed against a specific person are prohibited. Subjecting someone to humiliation, spreading false facts, assigning meaningless tasks, delivering inappropriate criticism, denying information or deliberately isolating a person are also not accepted.

We don’t tolerate abuse of power

Hierarchical relationships of dependency must not be used to harm, bully, disadvantage or favor others. This also applies to personal relationships. Leaders and managers must maintain the necessary emotional and physical distance from their subordinate staff, as must professors from students, doctoral students and postdocs. It is expected that personal relationships colliding with hierarchical dependencies or interests are disclosed to the applicable leader or manager and that a solution to any UZH-related conflict of interest is sought.

We don’t tolerate violence or threats

Physical and verbal assaults, threats and actions that endanger other persons, injure them or put them under psychological pressure are not accepted. The consumption and distribution of illegal, pornographic, racist, sexist or violence-glorifying content is prohibited. Such cases can lead to legal proceedings.

We take action

UZH takes the measures required. Intolerable behavior during studies or work may result in disciplinary measures, employment law-based action or even criminal prosecution. In the event of structural causes, UZH can launch administrative investigations or take organizational measures (such as reorganization or action either at organizational unit or university level).

We don’t look away but ensure that issues are addressed. A full range of advisory services is available at UZH for all UZH members. Advisory Services

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